The personal information of members is managed using an information system designed based on high security standards.

Since the Company became the first major retailer to acquire Privacy Mark certification in 2005, we have built and maintained an operating system that clears the strict compliance criteria, and both its real stores and EC stores offer an environment that can be used securely.

The Company adopts a common, nation-wide membership program since 1989. We keep track of the diverse purchase trends and potential needs of customers which allows us to provide rapid and effective services and responsible after-sales services to our members. By managing the membership information of real stores and EC stores on the same platform and building a seamless security system, we offer greater security while increasing customer satisfaction through improved convenience.

As well, we have introduced a dedicated digital tablet to deal with membership enrolment at stores and requests for changes to registered membership information. We have also managed to reduce problems with several procedures. As well, we coordinate speedy and accurate data gathering using digital devices.

The Company implements a personal information protection management system at all Group companies. Every division protects personal information based on a plan formulated every year. The Audit Department conducts compliance audits on our operations, and makes prompt improvements, as required. Issues identified at the compliance audit, etc. are discussed at the Compliance meeting to determine remedial actions that are then reflected in new plans and actions.

Systems to Promote Data Security and Personal Information Protection

Purchasers History Database System

Customers registered through the Joshin website and the Joshin app can check their personal information and change their contact information from members’ pages.