Joshin Group Environmental Principles

The Joshin Group recognizes that conservation of the global environment based on the spirit of our Corporate Credo of “Thoughtfulness” is of utmost importance for people and all other lives on earth. We intend to act as a responsible corporation with the social mission of creating an environment where people can live in peace, comfort, and good health, while considering biodiversity


Revised 21 December 2021

Representative Director, President and Chief Executive Officer,

Joshin Denki Co.,Ltd.

Joshin Group Basic Environmental Policy

Based on our management philosophy of “connecting people and society to the future with a smile,” the Joshin Group will contribute to a prosperous society in harmony with the global environment through all business activities with focus on making prosperous living proposals that anticipate lifestyle changes, and on providing safe and secure products and services.


  1. Management system

    The Sustainability Committee, consisting of executive directors, executive officers, heads of divisions (including subsidiaries), and full-time auditors, manages the progress of important issues that have a high degree of impact on the Joshin Group’s value creation, including environmental issues, and has established a system for appropriate supervision by reporting quarterly to the Board of Directors. The Sustainability Committee manages the progress of issues set by backcasting from long-term goals toward the realization of value creation for the Joshin Group, carries out activities of business divisions, and promotion, development, management, guidance, etc. in cross-departmental projects. Through continuous management based on the PDCA cycle, the Joshin Group will contribute to the realization of a sustainable society by working to reduce the negative impact of society on the global environment and maximize its positive impact.

  2. Ensuring compliance

    We will comply with environmental laws and regulations, local ordinances and agreements, and prevent pollution. We will contribute to conserving global environment by respecting international agreements for the realization of a sustainable global environment, including the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and long-term goals established under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
  3. Engagement with stakeholders

    Through communication with our business partners, local communities, and other stakeholders, we will promote environmental conservation and improvement activities, and through our business activities, we will offer products and services that enable our customers to have a sense of contribution to the global environment.

  4. Raising environmental awareness

    We will provide education and training for all officers and employees for understanding, dissemination, and implementation of the Joshin Group Basic Environmental Policy and initiatives aimed at solving environmental issues. We will also promote environmental awareness among various stakeholders through communication with customers and business partners.

  5. Disclosure of environmental information

    We will regularly disclose the details, achievements, and financial impact of our environment-related activities in accordance with the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) and other international disclosure standards. We will promote transparency in disclosure through third-party verifications.

  6. Conservation of biodiversity and ecosystems

    We aim to work together with stakeholders to preserve sustainable ecosystems, with recognition that humans coexist with other living creatures as members of the global ecosystem and that all business activities both benefit from the Earth and impact the global environment.

Adopted 21 December 2021

Representative Director, President and Chief Executive Officer

Joshin Denki Co.,Ltd.

Joshin Group Environmental Action Guidelines

  1. Initiatives to counteract climate change

    Climate change is one of the most important issues facing humanity, and we intend to realize a carbon-neutral society as a countermeasure to climate change.

    ①Reduce greenhouse gas emissions throughout the entire supply chain.

    ② Promote energy-saving efforts through capital expenditures and improving the efficiency of operations.

    ③ Aim to increase energy self-sufficiency by promoting in-house power generation and consumption.

    ④Aim to convert 100% of the electricity used in our stores and business sites to renewable energy.

    ⑤Contribute to the realization of a low-carbon society by offering eco-friendly products with high energy creation, energy storage, and energy saving capabilities and proposing eco-friendly lifestyles.

  2. Initiatives to create a recycling-based society through the effective use of resources

    We intend to realize a sustainable, recycling-based society by efficiently using limited resources, minimizing waste, and through recycling.

    ①Strive to select materials with a low environmental impact when procuring materials, equipment, etc.

    ②Promote waste reduction throughout the entire supply chain.

    ③Properly dispose of waste generated from our stores and offices, and promote circular economy initiatives.

    ④Properly recycle used home appliances collected from customers.

    ⑤Promote the reuse of customers’ used home appliances to reduce product disposal.


Adopted 21 December 2021

Representative Director, President and Chief Executive Officer

Joshin Denki Co.,Ltd.

Joshin Green Smile Challenge 2050

The Joshin Group aims to achieve sustainable growth by “contributing to a prosperous society in harmony with the global environment,” and has set the following targets for environmental issues, to be achieved by 2050.

  • Raise the percentage of renewable energy sources to 100% (at all business sites, including those that are rented out) [2040]
  • Raise the percentage of off-grid power to 50%, as a ratio of total power consumption, to promote off-grid power generation and consumption
  • Cut 100% of GHG emissions in all categories of Scope 3
  • Rank as the top company in the CDP Climate Change Report [2035]
  • Establish the business model of a circular economy, through value co-creation with business partners

Challenge action plan to achieve targets

  • [Addressing climate change issues]
  • Endorse international climate change initiatives, and disclosure information based on the TCFD or equivalent framework
  • Manage GHG emissions throughout the entire supply chain, set reduction targets, and implement reduction measures by identifying figures for key items in Scope 3
  • Increase the percentages of renewable energy sources and off-grid electricity generated by solar power at our business sites
  • Take advantage of power purchase agreements (PPAs) and virtual power plants (VPPs)
  • Conduct negotiations to increase the percentage of renewable energy sources used by tenants and other leased properties
  • [Developing a resource-recycling society]
  • Rebuild the recycling system that includes reuse and resale
  • Expand EC stores’ recycling plan to more regions
  • Further cut the use of plastics by no longer offering disposable shopping bags and taking other related actions
  • [Achieving carbon neutrality in the home]
  • Put more effort into the sales of environmentally conscious products and promote the remodeling of housing environments for advanced features


Adopted 21 December 2021

Representative Director, President and Chief Executive Officer

Joshin Denki Co.,Ltd.