Message from the Officer in Charge of Managment Planning and Human Resources Strategy

We are committed to increasing corporate value and realising our management philosophy.

Koji Tanaka

Director and Managing Executive Officer

In charge of Management Planning and

Human Resources Strategy

The Group, now having reached our 75th anniversary, has set the management philosophy as “Connecting people and society to the future with a smile.” Looking ahead a quarter-century to 2050, we are developing management that contributes to building a sustainable society through the creation of two social values: “supporting and strengthen resilience in our aging society” and ”achieving carbon neutrality in the home”

To realize the creation of these two social values, we have set our management vision as “becoming a hub for the infrastructure of life through the power of home appliances and ICT,” and identified the seven material issues that we need to address.

One of these material issues is D&I (diversity and inclusion).

We consider our human resources strategy, in which we work to ensure diversity, to be integrated with our management strategy

The Group believes that the active participation of diverse human resources is the source of our organizational strength to control risks posed by changes in society, to seize new business opportunities, and to achieve sustainable growth. In an operating environment where change is the norm, we must be sensitive to the various challenges that society faces as well as potential consumer needs in order for us to contribute to society as a hub for life infrastructure. Our participation in society helps to achieve sustainable growth and higher corporate value for the Group.

Diversity and inclusion is essential for sharpening our sensitivity to information for an internal environment where diverse employees play a more active role and produce a range of values.

By creating an environment where diverse people can work with their strengths and enthusiasm, and without discrimination, we can share within the Company the inconvenience, dissatisfaction, and uneasiness we feel in our daily lives as social issues. In addition, it is possible to achieve solutions coming out of the freethinking of diverse people as new businesses, in this way linking new customer satisfaction with improved corporate value. This is the essence of the Group’s sustainability management, and we believe that our human resources strategy to ensure diversity is an integral part of our management strategy.

We are promoting diversity and inclusion for human rights as well as health and productivity management as the foundations of our HR (human resources) strategy

To create new levels of customer satisfaction, the Group is working on securing and developing diverse employees that will be at points of contact with our customers. The universal value of respect for human rights is the spiritual foundation of diversity and inclusion. As well, initiatives for health and productivity management maximize organizational performance by fully harnessing the potential of diverse employees.

The Group’s human resources strategy includes achieving a work environment where diverse people can perform at their best and play an active role, in this way increasing ease of work leading to job satisfaction, then to employee ownership, and finally to improved engagement.

By allowing employees to participate in management, we will link proactive investments in human resources with improved corporate value

Although the previous Medium-term Management Plan that coincided with the COVID-19 pandemic has failed to achieve the targets for many indicators, we were able to steadily improve the gross profit margin from 24.2% to 25.4%. Compared with 20.6% in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2013, we achieved a 4.8-point improvement over the last 10 years. The gross profit amount compared with the fiscal year ended March 2013 was 137.8%, exceeding the net sales growth rate of 111.6%. Continual investment in human capital leads to high value-added product sales based on lifestyle proposals.

Looking ahead to 2050, the Group has formulated and announced the JT-2025 Management Plan with a backcasting approach setting 2030 as a milestone. The theme is to be a concierge to customers, drawing close to their daily lives. The Group will invest in securing and training diverse employees who will serve as points of contact with customers and promote better employee engagement.

The purpose of our human resources strategy is for the Company and employees to share a management vision and our sense of values, have every employee feel a bond with the Joshin brand and actively demonstrate their abilities, as well as motivate them to contribute to the creation of new value. We intend to improve customer satisfaction through the participation of employees in management that will lead to improve corporate value and to realize our management philosophy of “Connecting people and society to the future with a smile.”

Human resources strategy: four key phrases

Ease of work

Establishment of work environment that embraces diverse work styles

We will establish a work environment in which every employee can and is allowed to choose a flexible work style that fits his/her individual needs. It is our commitment to developing systems and an environment that help our employees with diverse values and lifestyles to continue their career while feeling comfortable to work.

  • Launch of a nursing care consultation desk (free telephone consultation is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year)
  • Extension of the period during which an employee is eligible for the shorter working hours program for childcare until the child graduates from junior high school
  • Diversification of work shifts based on the shorter working hours program for childcare

Employee ownership

Promotion of autonomous work styles

Recognizing roles of the team and oneself and having a sense of ownership will lead to improved personal and organizational performance. As an opportunity to learn and grow on one’s own, we provide our workforce with training programs according to their job levels.

  • The Self-leadership Training for employees in their third year of employment to help them establish career ownership
  • The Career Planning Training for employees approaching 50 years of age to support their career development in the middle and later years
  • Encouragement to enroll in distance learning programs and provision of subsidies (covering 75-100% of the fees) upon program completion

Job satisfaction

Improved employee motivation through promotion of dialogue

A workforce is more motivated when they understand, through sufficient communication, what they are expected to do by their supervisor, when they are assessed properly according to their roles, and when they are given equal opportunities.

  • Promotion of on-site dialogue utilizing the engagement survey (introduced in FY2023) results as a starting point
  • Establishment of diverse work styles based on employees’ opinion
  • Holding of management review interviews
  • Assignment of the right person to the right position based on self-reporting

Employee engagement

Fostering of willingness to contribute based on trust relationship

When employees feel a sense of empathy towards the Company's reason for existence and vision, the trust relationship between the employees and the Company will deepen, and a greater employee engagement will be achieved. The Joshin Group is committed to creating new customer satisfaction through improved employee engagement, and thereby achieving sustainable growth and increased corporate value.

  • Improved employee engagement through employee participation in management through the Diversity Council

​​​​​​​(Expression of opinion through the company-wide online survey “J-Voice” and internal communities; planning/development of diverse work styles by the Council)

Internal Environmental Improvement Policy

The Group believes that the active participation of diverse human resources is the source of our organizational strength to seize new business values, and to achieve sustainable growth. To improve the Group’s corporate value by contributing to society as an infrastructure hub for a better life, it is necessary to create new value by understanding the issues and needs of society.

For that reason, the Group will create an internal environment where everyone is given a fair opportunity and can thrive in good mental and physical health while achieving job satisfaction. We will then turn the ideas coming from the freethinking of diverse employees into new businesses as well as make sustainability management a reality.

Aiming for Our Ideal Form