Securing Human Resources

Basic concept


The smiling faces of our employees are the driving force behind continual growth of the Group. Only when employees can participate actively with smiles on their faces can we provide services that bring smiles to our customers and all other stakeholders. For this purpose, we are working to create an environment where all employees can work with peace of mind, and to secure a diverse pool of human resources.

• Achieving a balanced age configuration ▶ Hiring of recent graduates (around 100 annually)

• Securing specialized knowledge and skills as well as diverse values ▶ Hiring of experienced employees (around 100 annually

• Vitalizing employees by providing opportunities for career advancement ▶ Promoting part-time employees to full-time (around 50 annually)

The employees we are looking for


Maximizing strengths Utilizing proposal-type sales strength to turn lifestyle changes into opportunities We are seeking human resources who have expert knowledge as concierges who provide ideas for rich lifestyles, as well as human resources who produce new value in a growth business that turns lifestyle changes into opportunities. Without being fixated on a uniform personnel image, and actively evaluating and hiring persons with a wide range of experience and personalities, we aim to create a highly diverse corporate culture.

Strengthening direct recruiting

Making up for weaknesses Ensuring diversity through strengthening of hiring and female empowerment

We are already using direct recruiting for hiring women. Going forward, we intend to directly approach students and mid-career hires in various fields to support our core appliance business segment and potential new businesses that we will enter in the future. Specifically, we will leverage direct recruiting for securing employees who can excel in the following specialties:

To support the activities of our diverse members, we are focusing on supporting work-life balance. In our hiring activities, we also distribute booklets featuring women’s careers, and are taking other steps to increase the percentage of female employees.

Employee retention initiatives

Maximizing strengths Deepening connections with fans by utilizing our high retention rate

The Group has managed to keep our turnover rate low,* supporting the retention of experienced employees. This is a major strength of our fan base strategy, which involves building deeper relationships with customers over time.

However, issues include the fact that the turnover rate for employees in their 20s is higher among both men and women than for other age groups, and that the turnover rate is higher (5.2%) among women than men. We are promoting the appeal of multi-path careers while focusing on continuing to support employment and retention, and eliminating gender bias.

* Turnover rate of permanent employees: 2.9% Reference: In the results of the 2022 Employment Trends Survey released by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, the average turnover rate among general workers was 11.9%.

Securing employees in strategic areas

Making up for weaknesses Securing expert knowledge by strengthening mid-career hires

We are promoting career recruitment of people with specialized skills to respond to changing social needs and to create diverse values. To increase the percentage of mid-career hires, approximately 50% of the planned hires for each fiscal year are mid-career hires.